Codewrangler has shuttered

art_bell_070607If you have been enjoying the services of ‘’, to get your fix of classic Art Bell programs, you are going to be disappointed this morning.

Some time overnight, they went from having an error connecting to their stream, to the change to their landing page that is titled “Decommissioned” and has the simple banner that says, “The End”.


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I have sent a request for comment, but have not received a reply as of this posting. Some of the possible reasons, might include some of the following:

  • Cease and Desist from Premiere Radio Network
  • Out of money to pay for streaming service
  • Related to reconstruction of the ‘’ website

If I receive any updates, I will post it here.

Update: This was posted on their Facebook page:Screen Shot 2013-06-21 at 7.43.25 AM

Update 2: They also posted the following, however, I am currently listening through this stream. Update 3: The previous stream seems to be the “U7 Radio” stream, even though it is marked as “”.

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WWDC just a few short hours away

1306pijbesfgvijbefg_preHere we are, just hours away from the WWDC Keynote. Nobody really knows what to expect, but has a compilation of all the rumors surrounding what might be introduced.

John Gruber, on his podcast said that his sources told him that what Apple is announcing, would be, “polarizing”. No explanation of what that means, but it does raise the interest level around this keynote.

My initial gut reaction, with the “polarizing” word being used, would be that Apple might be about to announce new hardware (MacBooks, MacBook Pros, MacBook Airs, iMacs) with the addition of a touchscreen. It’s kind of inevitable. Now that Cook is in charge and Jobs previous statement about why Macs would not have touch can be reversed without any internal Apple political ramifications. There is no more roadblock to the idea. Of course, this is only my opinion. I have no inside information either.

Well, whatever they announce, we will know in about 4 hours. I hope the announcements live up to the hype. We shall see…:-) is under construction


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If you are an Art Bell fan, here is a little bit of news for you.  Art just posted this on his FaceBook page this evening. Not sure what this means, but there it is. Art Bell is working on bringing his website back.

If you want to follow for any updates he may have, you might want to check out his FaceBook page. Alternatively, just keep checking the website under construction.

For those of you that miss the old show (Coast and Dreamland), you may want to check out this site that continuously streams his old shows. You can go right to their website at or access it through TuneIn by searching for ‘Art Bell’.

Update: Since Art’s post, the page has gone from a white “?” on black background, to a white “!” on a black background and since then, the “!” has changed to yellow and now pink. also, there is favicon associated with it as well.

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That favicon looks very familiar to the favicon that ‘used to be’ on the ‘’ site, maintained by the former ‘’ webmaster, Keith Rowland.

Update 2: Not sure what it means, but the single “!”, has now changed to (3) “!”, in colors Red, White and Blue. Perhaps denoting an expected July 4 launch? Just speculating here folks, I have absolutely NO insider information on this one.